
Exhibitor Lists for “wire & Tube 2024” Now Online

The lists of all wire and Tube 2024 exhibitors and their products are now onlineat  and & Products” tab.The global No. 1 trade fairs for the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries will be held from April 15–19, 2024, at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Special features: Sustainability and energy efficiency will be even more in focus than in 2022, with daily ecoMetal trails through the halls to show visitors the exhibitors’ new, clean production methods.  Trend forums, expert meetings and special pavilions on topics such as stainless steel, hydrogen, other renewable energy sources, separating and cutting, plastic pipes & tubes and finished products in fastener & spring making technologies will be in the spotlight.

Fastener & Spring Making Technologies and their finished products in Hall 16

The entire value chain for fasteners and springs will be presented here: from raw materials, machinery and equipment to fasteners, connectors and industrial springs. For manufacturers, distributors and buyers of screws, brackets, construction and hardware parts, springs of all kinds and wire bending parts, wire Düsseldorf 2024 will once again be a cutting-edge information and ordering platform.

For further information on visiting or exhibiting at wire and Tube 2024, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America; Telephone: (312) 781-5180; E-mail:; Visit and; Follow us on

For hotel and travel information, contact TTI Travel, Inc. at (866) 674-3476; Fax: (212) 674-3477; E-mail: